Our Own News is a Wollombi Valley Progress Association (WVPA) initiative co-ordinated by volunteers. Wollombi Valley Progress Association produces the monthly publication Our Own News that provides information to residents on upcoming and past events and is a vehicle for local businesses and associations to advertise.
Articles or advertisements must be emailed as a word file with photos attached as a separate jpeg file to oon_news@hotmail.com no later than the 15th day of each month for publication in the following month’s edition.
Articles are not edited but printed as received unless otherwise agreed and there is no guarantee of publication. Articles must be no longer than 200 words.
Email us for any questions you may have about OON – oon_news@hotmail.com
How do I receive a Subscription?
You can receive a subscription of our monhtly OON for FREE by email.
Simply sign up here and it will be emailed to you on the 20th of every month.
You may also pick-up a copy for $2 at the local pub, cafe, stores after the 25th.
Postal subscription are $60.00 per financial year and posted anywhere in Australia.