15 Jul Support from Cessnock City Council
Cessnock City Mayor Councillor Bob Pynsent put up a Mayoral Minute to Council in relation to concerns of mining in the Wollombi Valley and he welcomed the unanimous support of his fellow Councillors.
“The unique heritage and national significance within the Wollombi Valley must be protected. We recognise this in our Local Strategic Planning Statement 2036 and want to ensure this remains untouched. It’s extremely concerning that Wollombi Valley has been identified as a potential area for release for coal exploration. Coal mining of course has a place in the Cessnock Local Government Area but it’s not in the Wollombi Valley. I’m requesting a briefing from the Deputy Premier, The Hon John Barilaro MP to get more information. I understand this has created anxieties for the local community, we share your concerns and want clarification from the NSW Government.”
15th July 2020
Cessnock City Council